Home / Collections / Loose-leaf tea collection / YELLOW TEA: Yunnan Yellow, China

YELLOW TEA: Yunnan Yellow, China

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Yunnan Yellow - organic
Yellow tea, China

Yunnan Yellow is grown at an altitude of 1300m in an organic tea garden on the slopes of Ma Wei Mountain in Simao, Yunnan Province, China. Leaves from two different tea plant cultivars are harvested and blended together before processing to create this tea.  Certified organic by EcoCert SA.

We have two harvests in stock:

March 2022 - sweet and acidic with notes of flowers and cream and a hint of marmalade in the tail (first two images).

March 2023 - a more mellow and less complex infusion than the 2022 with notes of marmalade, hay, ginger and flowers (second two images).

Preparation: Steep for 1 minute (then 30s for subsequent steeps) at 85 - 90°. Three + infusions.

Infusions: specialty tea leaves can all be steeped at least twice, and often more, so each 3 gram serve (150 mls - a standard teacup size), will give you two cups ('infusions') if you steep the leaves twice. On the back of your pouch under 'Steep', you can find the number of infusions for your tea.

If you infuse your leaves at least twice, your pouch will give you the following cups of tea (or more if you infuse your leaves more times):

50 grams - 33 cups
100 grams - 66 cups
200 grams - 133 cups
