Home / Collections / Malawi tea collection / OOLONG TEA: Thyolo Misty Oolong, Malawi, Africa

OOLONG TEA: Thyolo Misty Oolong, Malawi, Africa

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Thyolo Misty Oolong
Oolong tea, Malawi, Africa

Flavour: hints of papaya, apple, summer grass
After being harvested by hand, these leaves are withered in the sun while being gently turned and bruised to initiate oxidation, then rolled and dried. Thyolo Misty Oolong infuses into clean and bright tea with body notes of orange, papaya and red peppercorn followed by a floral finish.

This June 2021 harvest oolong is a rare tea from Satemwa, a small family-run tea estate nestled in the Shire Highlands in Thyolo, southern Malawi, Africa. Founded in 1923, Satemwa is certified by Fair Trade and Rainforest Alliance and has a strong focus on sustainability and ethical tea production.

Sizes: Thyolo Misty Oolong comes in four sizes: a 3-gram single serve, then 20g, 50g and 100g pouches. Our leaves can all be steeped at least twice (often more), so while 3g is a single serve (150 mls - a standard tea cup size), it will give you two cups if you re-steep the leaves.
