Home / Collections / Malawi tea collection / OOLONG TEA: Livingstone Twist & Dry Oolong, Malawi, Africa

OOLONG TEA: Livingstone Twist & Dry Oolong, Malawi, Africa

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Livingstone Twist & Dry Oolong
Oolong tea, Malawi, Africa

Flavour: wood, spice, berry
This unique oolong is named after Scottish physician David Livingstone, a well-known explorer and advocate of Africa in the 1800’s. Its neatly twisted leaves infuse into a dry, mild and round tea with warming notes of wood, leather, berry and sweet spice. June 2022 harvest.

This tea comes from Satemwa, a small family-run tea estate nestled in the Shire Highlands in Thyolo, southern Malawi, Africa. Founded in 1923, Satemwa is certified by Fair Trade and Rainforest Alliance and has a strong focus on sustainability and ethical tea production.

Sizes:  Livingstone Twist & Dry oolong comes in four sizes: a 3-gram single serve, then 20g, 50g and 100g pouches. Our leaves can all be steeped at least twice (often more), so while 3g is a single serve (150 mls - a standard tea cup size), it will give you two cups if you re-steep the leaves.
