Home / Collections / Malawi tea collection / DARK TEA: Satemwa Dark, Malawi

DARK TEA: Satemwa Dark, Malawi

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Satemwa Dark
Dark tea, Malawi

Flavour: chocolate, hummus, musk, sun-baked soil, berry 
This special tea from Satemwa Tea Estate is believed to be the only dark tea made in Africa. Lightly-oxidised leaves are moistened, heaped into bags and left to ferment in a warm, dark room. They are turned every few weeks, then dried. This process creates a ‘ripe/shou pu-erh’ style tea that releases fascinating aromas when steeped. This is Satemwa’s April 2021 harvest.

Founded in 1923, Satemwa is a small, family-run tea estate in Malawi, Africa. Satemwa is certified by Fair Trade and Rainforest Alliance and has a strong focus on sustainability and ethical tea production.

Satemwa Dark comes in four sizes: a 3-gram single serve, then 20g, 50g, and 100g pouches. Our leaves can all be steeped at least twice (often more), so while the 3g pouch is a single serve (150 mls - a standard tea cup size), it will give you two cups if you steep the leaves twice. 
